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Sans Alarm

06:29, 27 April 2003

I woke at 5:30 this morning, without my alarm. I can't remember the last time I got up to my alarm. I just pop right up every morning, usually before 8:00. I used to be such a horrible morning person when I was younger. I'd literally be violent when someone came to wake me up for school. Senior year of college I just turned my whole life around and started to get up early for a change. Since then, I've been a morning person. With a little effort, I had flipped the whole script, much like the engineering effort which completely reversed the flow of the Chicago River in 1900.

As I mentioned, I'm getting sick. I can feel it in my gland/neck area below my ears and chin. I've been mainlining Echinacea, despite the fact that "there is no convincing evidence that echinacea decreases the severity or shortens the duration of an upper respiratory infections."* In personal use, I've found the herb seems to nip my colds in the bud... of course, I admit the results could be a placebo effect or the cold could just be clearing up on its own. But whatever.

Since I'm up so early and I don't have to wake lazy-bones up until 10:00, I really don't have any excuse not to go to the gym. Dammit.

*from Echinacea for prevention and treatment of upper respiratory infections, 44 Medical Letter 29-30, 2002.

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